Presenting Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors
Allied Steel
Express Employment International
Hall Estill
ImageNet Consulting
Lisa and Steve Mason
Medley Material Handling Company
Metropolitan Library Systems
Mood Party Rentals
Myriad Gardens
Oklahoma City Ballet
Oklahoma City Philharmonic
Pirate’s Alley
Ross Family Foundation
Schwab Meat Company
SSM Health St. Anthony Hospital
Grand Patrons
405 Magazine
Action Safety Supply Company
At Your Service Rentals
Bank of Oklahoma
Belger Cartage
Bolton Family Fund
Capital Distributing
Center for Employment Law
Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages
Continental Resources
Lawrence H. and Ronna C. Davis
Dolese Bros. Co.
Jim and Christy Everest
Fertile Ground Cooperative
Gay E. Kirby
Marianne’s Rentals for Special Events
Mickey Mantle’s Steakhouse
NBC Oklahoma
News 9
Oklahoma Environmental Management Authority
Paseo Grill
Pearl’s Restaurant Group Featuring Crabtown in Bricktown
Richey’s Grill: The Downtown Original
Simple Modern
Spencer Fane LLP
W & W Steel Co.
William White & Associates, LLC
Williams, Box, Forshee, & Bullard, P.C.
Sustaining Patrons
Allen Contracting, Inc.
American Fire & Safety
American Propane and Gas Company
Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma
Ben E. Keith Foods
Chuck Cohn
Fore Wheeler Golf Carts, LLC.
Fred Jones Family Foundation
Debe and Rick Hauschild
Joan S. Maguire
Maguire O’Hara Construction
Larry and Polly Nichols
Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Presbyterian Health Foundation
Quad Construction
Timila Rother
Lance and Cindy Ruffel
Rick and Amanda Smith
TEIM Design
Billie Thrash
Beth and Jim Tolbert
Topographic, Inc.
TRADESMAN architectural studios
Tom and Mary Walsh
Linda Whittington
Susan and Ken Whittington
84 Hospitality GroupÂ
Brian and Ronita Alford
Acme Welding
American Fidelity Foundation
Keith and Terri Angier
Angela Bachman
Katie and Richard Beam
The Boeing Company
Steve and Sharon Bolton
Kirby Brinlee
Robert and Karen Browne Family Fund
Dub and Betsy Brunsteter
Randy and Sandra Cassimus
Allen and Kati Christ
Claims Management Resources
Lauren Clark
Andrew and Nancy Coats
Teresa “Terri” Cooper
Lucy and John Covington
Karen Randlett Delaney
Scott Douglas
Rusty Duncan
Hillary, Peter & Rowan Farrell
First National Bank of OK/Pat Rooney
Sue and Bob Hale
Hoffman Group Design/Build
David and Lezlie Hudiburg
Joe Coover Magic
Jackie Jones and Charles Cash
The Kimmell Foundation
Kimray, Inc.
Edith and Michael Laird
Shelly Lambertz
David Lapidus
Pat Lewis
Paul and LeAnn Lienhard
Travis C. Mason
Phi Nguyen
Oklahoma Natural Gas, a Division of ONE Gas, Inc
Oklahoma Shirt Company
Emily and Gus Pekara
Marcy and Louis Price
Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Jennifer Puckett
Lynn Raines
RK-1 Productions
John and Lynn Robberson
Timila Rother
Meg Salyer
Scaramucci Foundation
Pat and Fred Schonwald, Sr.
Smith Carney & Company
Stanbrough Electric
Superior Structure
Marnie and Clayton Taylor
Doug and Ranet Tippens
Walker Companies
Chuck Wiggin
Kathy and John Michael Williams
Barbara and Brett Willis
Michael Zubach
BGC Fundraising
Carolyn and Jim Clark
Janice Eischen
Nancy Ellis
Mark K. Fitch
Patsy Gaberino Carey
Jerry and Mark Gautreaux
Sheena Karami Hollander
Dr. and Mrs. J. William Hood
Anna Farha Miller and Mark Miller
Helen Rambo
Dr. Laura Rankin
Cheryl Vaught